Nefertiti School of Translation
Online translation courses

Learn with 9h05's specialized translation expertise





Welcome to Nefertiti School of Translation, a part of 9h05 International. We offer theoretical and practical courses on the areas of research studied by 9h05’s laboratory, Nefertiti (Network of Formative Research in Translation & Terminology).

To register for a course, visit our online catalog, pay the registration fee and follow the steps. You will receive a link to register in 9h05 International´s Nefertiti School of Translation.

If you are:

  • A member of a translator association
  • A translation or linguistics student
  • A translator affiliated with 9h05 International, 9h05 del Ecuador, 9h05 Canada, 9h05 Spain, 9h05 Australia, 9h05 USA or any other subsidiary of 9h05 Group


We have good news for you: you may be able to apply for a Trujaman or Dragoman scholarship. Reach out to us for more information (

Our translation school offers courses on the following subjects:

  • Legal translations
  • Literary and editorial translations
  • Translation theory
  • Specialized translations
  • Translation management
  • Translation software and tools (CAT, glossaries, etc.)
  • Terminology and terminolgy management
  • 9h05 International and subsidiary employee continuing education



Open / online

Opening soon

Opening soon

English – Spanish legal translations

English – Spanish literary translations

Using Wordfast Pro





> Purchase a course


  • Introduction to Common Law and Civil Law (5 hours)
  • History of translations and translation studies (5 hours)
  • Legal translations and the comparative law protocol (5 hours)
  • Translation techniques and tools (5 hours)
  • Review and quality control for translators (5 hours)
  • Translation law applied to literary translations (5 hours)
  • The inner workings of the publishing industry (5 hours)


> Purchase a module



  • English – Spanish legal translations
    • 5 texts
    • 10 texts
    • 20 texts
  • English – Spanish literary translations
    • 5 texts (novels, theater, poetry, biographies, stories)
    • 10 texts (novels, theater, poetry, biographies, stories)
    • 15 texts (novels, theater, poetry, biographies, stories)


> Purchase a practicum


The courses are delivered by Benjamin Aguilar-Laguierce, PhD(c) in translation studies and applied linguistics from Bordeaux Montaigne University.



Benjamin Aguilar-Laguierce is co-founder of 9h05 Group and has been a professional translator specialized in law (among other areas) since 2007. He is a research doctoral candidate in translation studies and applied linguistics in Ameriber UR 3656 and ED 380 laboratories at Bordeaux-Montaigne University and Nefertiti Research Lab, a part of 9h05 (NFRTT, Network of Formative Research in Translation & Terminology).

He also holds a master´s in editorial translations from English, a master´s in Hispanic studies applied to translations and linguistics and has also completed postgraduate studies in procedural law. He is an international legal expert in translations and linguistics and holds several language certifications.


Benjamin Aguilar-Laguierce





Curso: traducción jurídica profesional inglés-español (75h) Traducción jurídica EN-ES
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